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Drug Interaction checks and More

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Discover unparalleled capabilities with our AI platform. Upload medical records in 40 languages and let our AI conduct a comprehensive review of your health information

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Here's How It Works
Premium users get access to all models MSAI Claritas, GPT-4, Gemini Pro, LLM Medical, HI©

MS AI HealthScanner PHR- v0.72

with Therapist AI and Differential Diagnosis v0.2v
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Our AI based Psychiatrist will soon be online. The AI system utilizes GPT 3-4 and Gemini models along with knowledge graphs for text analysis and proprietary Image NN for image analysis. It offers valuable information to healthcare professionals and patients, functioning as a simulated Internal Medicine Consultant. It is important to clarify that our AI system is designed to complement the expertise of licensed healthcare professionals and not to replace it. The recommendations generated by our AI system are based on extensive statistical analysis of large data sets and may not be applicable to every individual patient. Therefore, medical professionals must rely on their best clinical judgment when making decisions about patient care.

We acknowledge that the use of our AI system carries inherent risks, and we emphasize that it is the user's responsibility to thoroughly review and consider all information provided by our system. Additionally, our second opinion AI is always reviewed by medical professionals to ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of our recommendations.

Our team of developers and providers continuously strive to improve out AI's suitability and availability for all users. However, we do not make any representations or warranties, whether express or implied, regarding the information, products, services, or related graphics contained within our AI system, for any purpose. Therefore, users must rely on their own judgment when making decisions based on the information provided by our AI system. Lastly, we want to emphasize that the developers and providers of our AI system will not be held liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of our system, including indirect or consequential loss or damage, or loss of data or profits. We firmly believe that by collaborating with medical professionals, we can continue to offer cutting-edge technology that enhances patient care and improves health outcomes.

You acknowledge that you are granting us permission to store and transfer your data to any of our secure servers for the purpose of providing our AI system's services. We understand the importance of your trust and privacy, and we assure you that we will handle your data with the utmost care and take all necessary measures to protect it. This permission allows us to ensure the smooth operation and continuous improvement of our AI system, enabling us to deliver the best possible experience and outcomes for you. We value your privacy and will always prioritize the security and confidentiality of your data throughout our operations in compliance with GPDR and HIPPA regulations.